Born in Tokyo, Japan, 1949
Lives and works in Neuss, Germany

For Katsuhito Nishikawa, nature, in its regularities and its structure, is the greatest teacher of all, and humans and art need to bow down to it and blend with it. Nature sets the standards that each and every one of us has to recognize anew; it provides the point of orientation for all creative action. Nishikawa finds symbols and creates spaces that for all their diversity in appearance are nothing less than the synthesis of the elementary principles of life. They set framework conditions that are carefully thought out and intuitively developed, that have an exceptionally reduced shape, and are supremely complex in terms of artistic statement. As a result, the volume and the shadow are no less important than the sculptural, spatial shape itself. With its light purity and clarity Katsuhito Nishikawa’s oeuvre prompts silence and concentration, causes us without thinking to forget the world around us, brushes all trivialities aside, making contemplation and circumspection all the freer and more inspired.

Excerpt from an essay by Christoph Brockhaus